The ride to Batemans Bay was a short one. Batemans Bay is the most popular holiday destination for Australians and
it is a lovely coastal town,surrounded by gorgeus beaches, walkways with mangroves (trees that actually grow in salty water).
The weather is getting better by the's temperatures were around 30, not a single cloud in the sky.
Our first stop was the YHA, a caravan park well hidden between palm trees, offering peace and tranquility for all
its occupants. Got the keys to our caravan and took a stroll around the town. And since it was still very early took
a drive to Pebbly Beach (not to be mistaken with its famous "cousin" Pebble Beach in California).
Now the Lonely Planet says the beach often provides a refugee for kangaroos and lizzards, but you can't belive
everything you read in LP. The beach is of course covered in white sand,bordered by an amazing forest.
Since there were no signs of either the kangaroos nor the lizzards we sprayed A LOT of sunscreen and enjoyed the sun.
And since the temperatures were more then friendly we had no choice but to go for a swim :) Yes...we swam in the ocean on
the 12th of December :) and what a swim it was....I will not bore you with the details. Afterwards we dried ourself
and what do you know....kangaroos...on the beach.
And i'm not talking about the small wallabies...hell no.
The Red kangaroo, 9 of them to be exact...grazing the grass not being bothered by the people at all.
Another of life remebering experiences from Australia. Since BBQ-ing is Australia's national sport,there is a BBQ area
in every place,and our Caravan park is not an exception. SO we bought ourselves some veggies,couple of burgers,
and threw everything on the barbie. Instant dinner....YUMMY
Vožnja do Batemans Bay je bila kratka. Samo mesto je najpopularnejša počitniška destinacija in je kot taka prekrasno
obmorsko mesto,obdano s prekrasnimi plažami in sprehajalnimi potmi,polnimi mangrov (drevesa ki rastejo v slani vodi)
Vreme je vsak dan lepše in danes je bilo že blizu 30 stopinj brez enega samega oblačka na nebu cel dan. Najina prva postojanka
je bil YHA, kamp,ki se lepo skriva med palmami in s tem ponuja mir vsem svojim obiskovalcem. Po prejetju ključev za najino
prikolico (ki je mimogrede fantastična) sva na brzino obhodila mestece,da začutiva poletni utrip. Le-ta naju je spravil
na vožnjo do bližnje Pebbly Beach (ki jo ne smete zamenjati z bolj znano sestrično Pebble Beach v Kaliforniji).
Lonely Planet trdi,da plaža ponuja zatočišče kengurujem in kuščarjem,vendar prav vsemu kar piše v LP kljub vsemu ni za verjeti.
Plaža je seveda peščena in obdana s prekrasnim gozdom. In ker ni bilo znaka o kengurujih,sva enostavno vrgla nase nekaj
litrov zaščite pred soncem in uživala v sončnih žarkih. In ker se je temperatura vztrajno dvigovala nisva imela
druge možnosti,kot da greva plavat :), Ja, 12 decembra sva plavala v Tasmanskem Morju in v tem NEIZMERNO uživala,ampak
ne bom vas utrujal s podrobnostmi :). In ravno ko sva se posušila,glej ga zlomka plaži...
In ne govorim o malih valabijih, temveč pravi veliki Rdeči Kenguruji, 9 njih če sem natanč so se v miru pasli in se
prav nič pustili motiti vsem ljudem okoli njih, no ja roko na srce bilo nas je kakšnih 10, na plaži dolgi vsaj 2 kilometra.
Še ena doživljenska izkušnja iz Avstralije. In ker je BBQ Avstralski narodni šport tudi najin kamp ni izjema,zato sva
kupila nekaj zelenjave, nekaj pleskavic in vse skupaj v nekaj minutah pripravila v izjemno večerjo :)
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