something ybout that and got worried. Now let us calm you down. The fires,extensive as they might be are not nearly
close to were we are or are going. It may seem that way looking at the map and listening to European news, but to put
thing in perspective, it is like fire burning in Kranj,and you really wouldn't start to evacute Ljubljana now would you?
So Katoomba,Blue Mountains, the perfect spot for bush walking,rock climbing,rafting,abseiling,...sort of like our Triglavski NP,but in
a much much larger scale. There are some incredibly interesting rock formatins such as the Three Sister.
Now i'm sure there is a legend and a story behind that,but I didn't really have the time to investigate that.
So i'll just say they are sister,which usually implies they have same parents,and there are three of them.
We did an interesting bush walk called "The Three Sisters walk" which takes you around that particular rock formation,over 900 stairs (yes 900!!)
and you end up under the steepest funicular railway in the world. The steepest incline is 52 degrees or 128%, for
you philosophers without any math knowldge that means that travelling 1 m horizontaly you climb 1.28 m verticaly...
oh just draw yourself a picture.....
Med najino vožnjo v Katoombo (Blue Mountains NP) sva se pogovarjala o požarih v bližini Sydneya. Morda ste celo slišali
nekaj o tem in vas je to zaskrbelo. Naj vaju takoj pomiriva,saj požari niso niti BLIZU tega kjer sva oz. kamor greva.
Morda so informacije v Evropi drugačne in tudi pogled na mapo morda kaže drugačno sliko,vendar je Avstralija ogromna in če
potegnem vzporednico s Slovenijo je to tako,kot da bi gorelo v Kranju,zaradi česar verjetno ne bi evakuirali Ljubljan mar ne?
Torej Katoomba, odlično mesto za rafting,plezanje,treking,...nekakšen Triglavski NP vendar v precej večjem obsegu.
V njem se najde nekaj fenomenalnih skalnih formacij kot so recimo Three Sisters (3 sestre). Prepričan sem,da je za tem
kakšna zgodba ali aboroginska legenda,vendar enostavno ne vem, verjetno gre za sestre,kar pomeni da so imele iste starše,
in da so bile je vse kar vam lahko ponudim. Odločila sva se za prijeten nekajurni treking z imenom "Three sisters walk"
ki te popelje ravno okoli te skalne formacije,preko 900 stopnic (ja 900!!) vse do najbolj strme železnice na svetu,katere
naklon je 52 stopinj ali 128%, če to povem drugače, za vsak horizontalni prepotovani meter se dvignete za 1.28m :))
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