Day one ...Melbourne. We've touched down. Declared all the booze and food, went through quarantine inspection and here we are. Took a taxi to the hostel and felt extremely weird sitting on the left side without a steering wheel :) I guess driving will be that much funnier in a couple of days. Hostel is a familiy owned establishment, room is just perferct as is everything else, kitchen,common areas, outdoor sitting area and last but not least Keith the cat :).
After taking a much needed shower and an hour of sleep,we went exploring the centre of the city. Must say we're both pleasantly surprised with all the green areas,parks,walkways,...trees everywhere. And when I say trees I mean humongous trees steps away from the CBD (central business district). So we did the usual 12km walk in and around the centre and saw the whose and whats of sightseeing. Loved every minute of it. Oh by the is 26 degrees yes, I'm wearing shorts and a your heart out.
Prvi dan. Pristala sva. Prijavila vso pijačo in hrano in uspešno prestala pregled carine in karantene. DO hostla sva šla s taksijem in občutek sedeti na levi strani brez volana pred seboj je precej nenavaden, kako bo šele voziti čez nekaj dni. Hostel je v družinski lasti in prav vse v njem je odlično, soba, kuhinja,kopalnice,skupni prostori, zunanja terasa in nenazadnje maček Keith.Po prepotrebnem tuširanju in urici spanja pa sva že odšla na raziskovanje centra mesta in bila oba izjmeno pozitivno presenečena nad vsem zelenjem, parki,drevoredi,nasadi,ogromno dreves in to dreves katerih velikosti pri nas ne vidiš in to na pragu strogega centra. Naredila sva običajen 12 km "sprehod" mimo vseh pomembnejših in zanimivejših znamenitosti v centru in uživala v vsaki minuti. Aja, tu je 26 stopinj celzija in nosiva kratke rokave in hlače...HAHAHA
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