And it starts. 8th of December. Raining. And the beginning of our Road Trip. Took a tram to the city,where our car was waiting for us.
Driving on the left in the city,while raining...add to that morning rush hour and you've got yourself a perfect recipe for
disaster :). But luckily GPS was our friend and we somehow managed to start leaving the city towards Phillip Island,some
120km south of Melbourne. Driving on the left is sweet and fun,but what is more interesting is the peacefullness of Australians driving.
No horns,no overtaking,no agression....lovely. Luckily it stopped raining just as we entered Phillip Island,since most of our activities were
outdoor. First we stopped at Koala Conservation Center,where you take a stroll through the gum trees passing several Koalas just resting
or browsing in the branches. Managed to see 13 Koalas up close and personal,came within CM of a Momma and Joey Koala (Joey as in baby).
The experience does leave you smiling for the rest of the day :). Since it was already middle of the day,we entered Cowes on Phillip Island,
where we re-stocked our stomachs and our car with groceries. Off to the Pyramid Rock, an interesting rock formation in the
sea,reminding you of a pyramid and a beautiful lookout point to observer the southern part of the island.
The Nobbies center,set in the westeren part of the island gives you a first hand experince of fur seals,which call the rocks outside
Phillip Island their home. Their numbers are counted in thousands,as well as the seagulls as their company :)
We literally saw thousands of nesting seagulls,and managed not to get shat on :)
And finally the masterpiece of our visit to Phillip Island,the crown jewel - Penguin parade.
Each evening after the sunset several hundred Little Penguins (their acctual name), come ashore after a day of feeding
to take care of their eggs or young ones in their burrows. The penguines are the smallest species of penguins in the world
measuring just up to 33cm in height and weighing up to 1.2 kg. They wait for the sunset and gather in rafts (group of penguins in the water) before they
take their trip inlands. Even though taking pictures is strictly forbidden as this is a conservation site,we took
the Penguin parade Plus tour,which puts you right in the middle of their path towards the burrows. And when i say in the middle you are
actually standing centimeters from the penguins. The rangers use the clicker to count their numbers,as part of conservation
process and tonight there were 654 penguines passing by our feet. The cutest and funniest animals in the world :)
All of this took some wind out of us and we drove to Kilcunda Caravan park,where we had a cabin reserved for the night.
Now most of us have been camping or staying in a caravan,but let me tell you guys,these can't compare to ANYTHING.
The caravan is more like a 5x8 beach house with ubelivable ocean views,AC, heated beds, TV,DVD,spacious living room.
Oh just keps getting better and better. Until further news....i bid you farewell.
Pa se začenja. 8 december. Dež. Začetek poti z avtom. S tramvajem sva odšla do mesta,kjer naju je čakal najin avto.
Ni lepšega kot začeti vožnjo po levi v mestu z dežjem in jutranjo konico kot popotnico. Odličen recept za katastrofo.
Hvalabogu se je GPS odrezal in kmalu sva bila na poti izven mesta,proti Phillip Island-u,ki leži 120 km južneje od Melbourna.
Vožnja po levi je zanimiva,še bolj pa me je presenetila kultura vožnje Avstralcev,brez trobljenja,prehitevanja....nobene agresije.
Hvala bogu je dež ponehal ravno ko sva prispela na Phillip Island, saj so prav vse zanimivosti v naravi. Najprej Koala Conservation center,kjer
se sprehodiš med evkaliptusovimi drevesi na katerih se koale hranijo ali počivajo. Naštela sva 13 koal in bila centimetre
oddaljena od mame koale z otrokom, vsekakor izkušnja ki ti pusti nasmeh na obrazu preostanek dneva. In ker je bilo že sredi dneva
sva se odpeljala v Cowes,da podkrepiva najina trebuščka in opremiva avto s prehrambenimi izdelki :)
Naslenja postojanka je bila Pyramid Rock, zanimiva skalna formacija v morju ki izjemno spominja na piramide,hkrati pa razgledna
točka omogoča prekrasen pogleda na južno stran otoka. The Nobbies center je bila naslednja postojanka na samem zahodu otoka. Skale okoli
Phillip islanda ponujajo prekrasno zavetje tisočim tjulnjev in spremljajočim galebom,ki tu gnezdijo. Glede na količino ptic,sva
oba srečna da naju ni saj veste :)
In na koncu še glavna točka obiska,kraljevi dragulj ogledov - Parada Pingvinov. Vsak večer po sončnem zahodu se nekaj
sto pingvinov vrne na kopno,kjer imajo svoje brloge z mladiči ali jajci. Po celem dnevu hranjenja se ti mali ptiči,ki v višino
merijo do 33 cm in tehtajo do 1.2 kg,vrnejo na obalo,kjer se v varnem zavetju noči odpravijo mimo nas obiskovalcev.
Slikanje in snemanje v vseh oblikah je strogo prepovedan,saj gre za rezervat,vendar pa sva si "privoščila" Penguin PLUS paket,
ki te postavi v sredino njihove poti na obali. Ko rečem sredino ,to pomeni da se pingvini sprehodijo dejansko centimetre od tebe.
Vsak večer jih čuvaji preštevajo zaradi statističnih razlogov in včeraj so jih našteli 654 in prav vsak izmed njih se je sprehodil mimo naših nog.
To se brez dvoma najbolj smešna in prikupna bitja na svetu :). Cel dan nama je vzel kar nekaj energije in odpeljala sva se do Kilcunda Campa,
kjer sva imela najeto Kamp priklolica za spanje. Večina od nas je že kampirala ali spala v priklolici ampak to kar naju je čakalo,
pa presega vse meje domišljije. "Prikolica" je 8x5 metrov velika hiška,ki ponuja fantastičen pogled na morje in je opremljena s klimo,
ogrevanimi posteljami, tv,dvd,velika dnevna soba....skratka neverjetno.
Življenje postaja vedno lepše in lepše. Do naslednjič vama vsem želiva lep pozdrav.
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