Grand Pacific Drive. As the name itself suggest it is a road spanning from Sydney through Wollongong and further south.
The road takes you a stonethrow from the Pacific Ocean,giving you ample oportunity to enjoy the scenery,and some of the
best wonders of the nature. Now it is not the fastest way to Sydney,but we're not here to be fast,we're here to
enjoy ourselves,and Grand Pacific Drive gives you just that. Driving to our hostel in Sydney sure gave us a taste of
"the big city" as the traffic all of a sudden changed from 2 cars per hour to traffic jams :). It was time for our exploratory
walk thorugh the CBD. Full of enthusiasm and energy we thought the sky was the limit. And it was...the sun to be exact.
Sydney weather is classified as sub-tropical which means high temperatures with quite a lot of humidity.
You can imagine what that does to a couple of tourists from Slovenia :) Breathe honey...BREATHE!!
Nevertheless we've managed to see the FIsh Market, St. Mary's Cathedral, The Tower (we'll go up tomorrow), Botanical Gardens,....
Opera,Harbour Bridge.....the usual suspects of the cities many attractions. And to finish the day we've spent a couple of hours
in Sydney's Aquarium. Now we've all probably been to an aquarium before,and this is far beyond what we're used to.
Enormous water tanks,river,marine,coral exhibits, sharks,rays,turtles even dugongs (type of sea cow)....
The thing that impressed us the most were the underwater tunnels, where you walk through the tanks, with all the marine
life swiming around you. Since the enviroment is not photo friendly (dark, reflecting surface if using flash),we rather
made some movies,which you'll se upon our return. Tommorow (well today it is past midnight) is another day,so
i'm signing off....
Grand Pacific Drive. Kot že samo ime namiguje gre za cesto, ki se razteza od Sydneya proti jugu,mimo Wollongonga in naprej.
Cesta te pelje lučaj od Tihega Oceana in daje ogromno priložnosti občudovati okolico in nekatere izmed čudežev narave.
Vsekakor ne gre za najhitrejšo pot to Sydney-a,vendar tu nisva zaradi hitrosti,temveč bolj zaradi uživanja :) in Grand Pacific
Drive ti da ravno to. Vožnja do hostla nama je v trenutku dala ščepec velikega mesta,saj se je promet iz 2 avtomobilov na uro,
kar naenkrat spremenil v prometne zastoje. In prišel je čas za najin "standardni" obhod mesta. Polna navdušenja in energije
sva se odpravila v mesto misleč da naju nič ne more zaustaviti. Uf sva se motila :) Vreme v Sydney-u je po "klasifikaciji"
subtropsko,kar pomeni visoke temperature in veliko vlage,in lahko si predstavljate kaj to naredi dvema turistkoma iz Slovenije.
Dihaj Julija...DIHAJ!!! Kljub vsemu sva uspela videti Ribjo tržnico,Katedralo, The Tower (jutri se pozpneva,verjetno ponoči),
Botanične vrtove,Opero,Harbour Bridge...
nekaj uric v Sydneyskem (mater kako se to sklanja?!?) akvariju. Verjetno nas je bila že večina v kakšnem akvariju v svojem
ćivljenju,a verjemite ta vse presega. Ogromni vodni rezervoarji polni življenja, morske,rečne,koralne tematike.
Morski psi,želve,ribe,meduze,krokodili,....celo dugong (izjemno redek tip morske krave). Najbolj pa so naju navdušili
podvodni tuneli,ko se skozi steklene cevi sprehodiš skozi te ogromne akvarije in zgoraj omenjene živali plavajo dobesedno
okoli tebe.
nekaj filmov,ki jih boste imeli priložnost videti ob najinem povratku. Jutri (no ja danes,ker je že preko polnoči) je nov dan in zato
se zaenkrat poslavljam......
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