A day of rest. Mostly cause we planed it to be,but some of it due to rain. Yes it rains in Australia as well.
And since Wollongong is bordered by mountains with rainforest,the rain is not even that unusual.
The funny thing though is their classification of rain. The forecast said there would be showers,but all we got was
some drizzle,not even worth taking an umbrella. And since we weren't able to enjoy the beach as planned,we just took
a stroll through the city districts,enjoying the scenery. Wollongong could in some wild imaginations be compared
to Jesenice as it is also a home for the largest steel factory in AUS. And even though it is operational 24/7
it doesn't spoil the lovely beaches and well kept surroundings. All that spare time gave us oportunity to do some laundry,
write some postcards and just enjoy watching the TV and staying in bed :)
Dan počitka. Večinoma zato,ker sva tako planirala, a vseeno nekaj tudi kot posledica dežja. Ja tudi v Avstraliji dežuje.
In ker Wollongong obdajajo hribi z deževnim pragozdom,dež niti ni tako nenavaden.
Kljub vsemu je smešno njihovo pojomvanje dežja. Vremenska napoved je govorila o plohah,vendar to kar je padalo iz neba
ni bilo omembne vredno,celo toliko da se niti marele ni splačalo odpirati. In ker nisva imela možnosti uživati na plaži,
sva se pač sprehodila po mestu in uživala v okolici.Wollongong bi z malce domišljije lahko primerjali z Jesenicami,
saj se tu nahaja največja železarna v Avstraliji. In čeprav deluje 24 ur na dan, 7 dni v tednu prav nič ne pokvari
prelepih mestnih plaž in skrbno urejene okolice. Ves ta prosti čas nama je dal priložnost,da sva si vse oprala,
pisala kartice in enostavno uživala ob televiziji in dremanju v postelji :)
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