The morning started with battle between Us (Wim,Julija and me) ,luggage and our car. It was one of those "How do you
get 4 elephants in a car" jokes...Why you ask? Let me clarify first that our car is not big by any standards.
It is in fact a Hyundai Getz :). And the two of us are not travelling light. Two big suitcases, 2 small backpacks and
a bag of food. To make the matters worse Wim has a 120l backpack,the biggest money can buy :) Somehow we managed to get everything in
the car and ended up with some spare space, for like o toothbrush or something. I'll let all of you to take a moment a listen (read)
to "The Story of Wim"...Wim was not a lucky guy,not by any standards. Even though he had quite a lot of travelling experience,this
trip was turning out to be a series of unfortunate events aka. Lemony Snicket. At first his camera got broken,when he asked a guy in Bangkok
to take his picture and he dropped Wim's camera. Bad karma. As soon as his plane touched the ground in Sydney most of his
electronics just failed on him. Laptob charger,Mp3 player,alarm clock, as if the gods of consumer electronics turned against Wim.
And yet,he was still happy and he even bought a new camera,to compensate on his bad luck. But the night before we met him,he went to a beach
party,where he was robbed by a couple of Aborogins, funny enough they only took his camera and his phone. So all of a sudden he was
without an alarm clock (phone) phonebook (phone) watch (phone) and yet he was still happy. And to top it all he discovered while
riding with us to Byron Bay,that they booked him the wrong hostel in a different town :) and yet,he was still happy :)
The lesson of the story is simple, if your name is Wim (which is SOOOOO close to WIN) you'll be happy no matter what :)
And if i spend a few words on our trip from Coffs Harbour to Byron Bay, there's not really much to say, we stopped in a nice town along
the was (forgot the name) and i drank the best Chai Tea of my life....oh and we almost stepped on a Brown Tree Snake,while hiking to
a lookout point near Byron Bay :)
Jutro se je začelo z borbo med nami (Wim,Julija in jaz) , prtljago in avtom. Kot da bi želeli v živo pokazati vic "Kako spraviti
4 slone v fičota :) ". Zakaj? Naj najprej razjasnim da najin avtoček ni ravno največji na svetu,pravzaprav gre za Hyundai Getz-a.
In če na to dodamo da imava s seboj 2 velika kovčka, 2 manjša nahrbtnika, mini kovček za kozmetiko (JulijaPress) in torbo s hrano,
je vsem jasno,da počasi zmanjka prostora. No če na povem da ima Wim 120 litrski nahrbtnik postane hitro jasno da smo naleteli na fizikalen
problem. Ampak ker je volumen v odvisnosti od temperature in tlaka,samo enostavno počakali na sonce,kar je avto povečali
in kaj kmalu smo v njemu sedeli vsi trije,naša prtljaga in še bi našli prostor za kakšno zobno ščetko. Zdaj pa vam bom vsem privoščil
trenutek oddiha da "prisluhnete" Zgodbi o Wim-u. Wim ni imel sreče,še zdaleč ne. Čeprav je imel pod pasom že kar nekaj daljših ekspidicij
se je ta začela precej slabo. Najprej mu je nekdo razbil fotoaparat,ko si je zaželel slike pred templjem v Bangkoku,na poti v Avstralijo.
A Wim se je smejal. Takoj ko se je njegovo letalo dotaknilo tal v Sydney-u mu je odpovedala ostala elektronika:polnilec za prenosnika,
MP3 predvajalnik,budilka,...kot da bi se bogovi zabavne elektronike obrnili proti njemu. In Wim se je še kar smejal.Kupil si je celo nov fotoaparat
,kot kompenzacijo za nesrečo v Bangkoku. Večer preden smo se spoznali,se je Wim udeležil zabave na plaži,kjer so ga oropali Aborigini in mu vzeli
nov fotoaparat in telefon,ki je hkrati rpedstavljan telefonski imenik,uro in budilko,a Wim se je še kar smejal in da bi bila zgodba popolna
je med vožnjo v Byron Bay ugotovil,da so mu za ta dan rezervirali popolnoma drugo sobo v poponoma drugem mestu,kot je Wim se je še
kar smejal :) Nauk zgodbe je,da si z imenom kot je Wim (sumljivo podobno Win-Zmaga) VEDNO dobre volje.....
In če posvetim še nekaj besed vožnjo do Byron kaj posebnega za napisati. Ustavili smo se v prijetnem malem mestecu na poti,kjer sem spil
najboljši č Julija je skoraj pohodila Rjavo drevesno kačo,med sprehodom do razgledne točke v bližini Byron Bay-a.
In ja,ta kača JE strupena :)
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