Christmas eve in Brisbane. We've expected us to be a bit homesick today,but boy were we wrong.
Got an invitation by Rudi&Alenka,Slovenian couple living in Brisbane for a christmas BBQ/drinking party :)
And since it was our official BYO party,we bought a couple of beers and waited for the pickup, yes it was door to door
delivery courtesy of R&A :) They live in a beautiful 3 bedroom house, which they share with 7 cats...
Yes, 7 cats. Alenka is such an animal lover that she's also a foster parent,which is admirable....
We sat on the porch,drinking beers,eating fabulous food,respect to the chef,and basically enjoyed ourselves
throughout the night :) It was a great christmas eve in Australia. Thanks again Rudi & Alenka...
Božični večer v Brisbane-u. Pričakovala sva,da naju bo v tem času še najbolj zagrabilo domotožje,vendar temu ni bilo tako.
Dobila sva povabilo na božični roštilj s strani Rudija in Alenke,slovenskega para ki že kar nekaj časa živi v Brisbane-u.
In ker je bilo to najino prvo uradno BYO povabilo sva kupila nekaj piva in počakala na prevoz, ja Rudi in Alenka ponuajata
storitev "od vrat do vrat", svaka čast :) Njuno trenutno prebivališče je prekrasna hiša v prijetnem okolišu,ki si jo trenutno
delita še s 7 mačkami...ja 7,ker je Alenka tako velik ljubitelj živali,da igra tudi vlogo krušne mame,za zavržene mucke...res
občudovanja vredno. Sedeli smo na terasi,pili pivce in jedli fantastično hrano (poklon kuharju) in enostavno uživali v prijetnem
večeru. Na koncu sva imela odlično praznovanje božiča. Še enkrat hvala Rudiju in Alenki
četrtek, 24. december 2009
Ah yeah, Gold Coast. Little bit of heaveen in QLD and the location of our hostel
is basically on the beach :) There won't be much writing here as everything
was pretty much just fun in the sun. We did however got together with
Tony, our agent and his friend Veronika for a drink in the evening,
and they took us on a drive around Gold Coast,showing us different
pieces of this paradise,making a stop for sushi along the way.
Gold Coast and his surroundings are very "touristy" in every way,but surprisingly that is not a bad thing
it just means there is a lot to do. We known way before there were a lot of amusement parks in the area
and were sure we're gonna visit one or two of them,just wasn't sure which. The nice stuff in our YHA hostel
recommended us the Wet'n'Wild Water park and that's what we did. It turned out to be a great idea, since it
is a huge water park with attractions that literally knock your pants off :)
Gold Coast, majhen košček nebes v QLD in povrhu vsega je najina lokacija praktično na plaži :)
Tu ne bo prav veliko pisanja,ker sva predvsem uživala na soncu,sva se pa uspela dobiti zvečer na
pijači s Tonyjem in njegovo prijateljico Veronico,ki sta nama razkazala Gold Coast,skupaj pa smo
se ustavili še na sušiju.
Gold Coast in njegova okolica je precej turističen,kar pa ni slabo,saj v tem primeru
pomeni samo da imaš veliko stvari na voljo. Že pred samim prihodom sva vedela da je tu kar nekaj zabaviščnih parkov
in da bova vsaj kakšnega obiskala,samo tega nisva vedela katerega in po priporočilu prijaznega osebja v najinem hostlu
sva se odločila za Wet'n'Wild vodni park in odločitev je bila prava,saj gre za ogromno vodni park,ki ti na trenutke
dobesedno sleče kopalke :)
torek, 22. december 2009
The morning started with battle between Us (Wim,Julija and me) ,luggage and our car. It was one of those "How do you
get 4 elephants in a car" jokes...Why you ask? Let me clarify first that our car is not big by any standards.
It is in fact a Hyundai Getz :). And the two of us are not travelling light. Two big suitcases, 2 small backpacks and
a bag of food. To make the matters worse Wim has a 120l backpack,the biggest money can buy :) Somehow we managed to get everything in
the car and ended up with some spare space, for like o toothbrush or something. I'll let all of you to take a moment a listen (read)
to "The Story of Wim"...Wim was not a lucky guy,not by any standards. Even though he had quite a lot of travelling experience,this
trip was turning out to be a series of unfortunate events aka. Lemony Snicket. At first his camera got broken,when he asked a guy in Bangkok
to take his picture and he dropped Wim's camera. Bad karma. As soon as his plane touched the ground in Sydney most of his
electronics just failed on him. Laptob charger,Mp3 player,alarm clock, as if the gods of consumer electronics turned against Wim.
And yet,he was still happy and he even bought a new camera,to compensate on his bad luck. But the night before we met him,he went to a beach
party,where he was robbed by a couple of Aborogins, funny enough they only took his camera and his phone. So all of a sudden he was
without an alarm clock (phone) phonebook (phone) watch (phone) and yet he was still happy. And to top it all he discovered while
riding with us to Byron Bay,that they booked him the wrong hostel in a different town :) and yet,he was still happy :)
The lesson of the story is simple, if your name is Wim (which is SOOOOO close to WIN) you'll be happy no matter what :)
And if i spend a few words on our trip from Coffs Harbour to Byron Bay, there's not really much to say, we stopped in a nice town along
the was (forgot the name) and i drank the best Chai Tea of my life....oh and we almost stepped on a Brown Tree Snake,while hiking to
a lookout point near Byron Bay :)
Jutro se je začelo z borbo med nami (Wim,Julija in jaz) , prtljago in avtom. Kot da bi želeli v živo pokazati vic "Kako spraviti
4 slone v fičota :) ". Zakaj? Naj najprej razjasnim da najin avtoček ni ravno največji na svetu,pravzaprav gre za Hyundai Getz-a.
In če na to dodamo da imava s seboj 2 velika kovčka, 2 manjša nahrbtnika, mini kovček za kozmetiko (JulijaPress) in torbo s hrano,
je vsem jasno,da počasi zmanjka prostora. No če na povem da ima Wim 120 litrski nahrbtnik postane hitro jasno da smo naleteli na fizikalen
problem. Ampak ker je volumen v odvisnosti od temperature in tlaka,samo enostavno počakali na sonce,kar je avto povečali
in kaj kmalu smo v njemu sedeli vsi trije,naša prtljaga in še bi našli prostor za kakšno zobno ščetko. Zdaj pa vam bom vsem privoščil
trenutek oddiha da "prisluhnete" Zgodbi o Wim-u. Wim ni imel sreče,še zdaleč ne. Čeprav je imel pod pasom že kar nekaj daljših ekspidicij
se je ta začela precej slabo. Najprej mu je nekdo razbil fotoaparat,ko si je zaželel slike pred templjem v Bangkoku,na poti v Avstralijo.
A Wim se je smejal. Takoj ko se je njegovo letalo dotaknilo tal v Sydney-u mu je odpovedala ostala elektronika:polnilec za prenosnika,
MP3 predvajalnik,budilka,...kot da bi se bogovi zabavne elektronike obrnili proti njemu. In Wim se je še kar smejal.Kupil si je celo nov fotoaparat
,kot kompenzacijo za nesrečo v Bangkoku. Večer preden smo se spoznali,se je Wim udeležil zabave na plaži,kjer so ga oropali Aborigini in mu vzeli
nov fotoaparat in telefon,ki je hkrati rpedstavljan telefonski imenik,uro in budilko,a Wim se je še kar smejal in da bi bila zgodba popolna
je med vožnjo v Byron Bay ugotovil,da so mu za ta dan rezervirali popolnoma drugo sobo v poponoma drugem mestu,kot je Wim se je še
kar smejal :) Nauk zgodbe je,da si z imenom kot je Wim (sumljivo podobno Win-Zmaga) VEDNO dobre volje.....
In če posvetim še nekaj besed vožnjo do Byron kaj posebnega za napisati. Ustavili smo se v prijetnem malem mestecu na poti,kjer sem spil
najboljši č Julija je skoraj pohodila Rjavo drevesno kačo,med sprehodom do razgledne točke v bližini Byron Bay-a.
In ja,ta kača JE strupena :)
Newcastle to Coffs Harbour was quit a drive. 450km to be exact and once more we took the scenic route,by the coast.
Now if you're ever travelling in Australia and time permits you, always pick the scenic route. It is just
so much fun to watch the nature change within couple of km,not to say the changes since the begining of our trip
in Victoria. Australia truly offers every person a bit of something,regardless of your taste,you can and will find
something that will take your breath away. Anyways, the drive itself took us by the famous Fredo Pies,with their
selection of 50 or so different pies. It would be a crime not to stop :)
We could have gone exotic and go for a kangaroo or a croc pie...maybe even an emu pie,but we rather stayed "conventional"
and had a lemon and an apple pie, both fresh from the oven,extremely tasteful....mmmmm, my mouth starts watering just
writing this :)
After getting to Coffs Harbour we took s stroll on the beach,since the weather did not permit any swimming.
Later we were enjoying a sweet and seedless watermelon and got into a conversation with Ann and Katie from
Tasmania. We clicked imideately so it wasn't long before a deck of cards and some wine was brought out...
soon we were joined by Wim from the Neverland (or is it the Netherlands...i don't know). Couple of drinks and
A LOT of jokes later we found out that Wim is going in the same direction us we are,but is taking a bus,and since
we still have some space in our car offered him a ride to Byron Bay. So i guess there'll be three of us tomorrow
in the car :)
Newcastle do Coffs Harbour je bila kar dolga pot, 450km če sem natančen in še enkrat več sva se peljala po daljši in lepši
poti. Če boste kdaj potovali po Avstraliji in vam bo čaš dopuščal vedno izberite daljšo pot,vsekakor se izplača.
Tako zabavno je gledati kako se narava spremeni v samo nekaj kilometrih,da ne omenjam sprememb od začetka najine poti
v Melbourne-u. Avstralija dejansko ponuja nekaj za vsak okus in upam si trditi,da bo vsakemu izmed vas nekaj
odvzelo sapo. Kakorkoli že, vožnja naju je vodila mimo "svetovno" znanih Fredo Pies (Pie - Pita),
ki ponuja več kot 50
različnih vrst pit in lahko bi bila eksotična in si naročila kengurujevo ali krokodilovo pito,celo emujeva je bila na izbiro.
A sva ostala previdna in predvidljiva in vzela limonino in jabolčno,obe sveži,ravno spečeni,mmmmm kako sta bili dobri...
kar cedijo se mi sline ko tole pišem.
Po prihodu v Coffs Harbour sva se sprehodila po plaži in bližnji okolici,saj vreme ni dopuščalo kopanja.
Kasneje sva se med uživanjem sladke lubenice zapletla v pogovor z Ann in Katie iz Tasmanije.Takoj smo se odlično ujeli
in ni bilo dolgo,ko so bile na mizi igralne karte in vino :),kmalu pa se nam je pridružil še Nizozemec Wim.
Po nekaj kozarcih in VELIKO šalah kasneje sva ugotovila da se z Wimom odpravljamo v isto smer,le da on tja potuje z avtobusom.
In ker imava v avtu še kar nekaj prostora sva mu ponudila prevoz,kar je z veseljem sprejel. To torej pomeni,da bomo jutri
trije na poti v Byron Bay :)
sobota, 19. december 2009
Zapuščava Katoombo in se odpravljava v Australia Reptile Park (park plazilcev) eno izmed mnogih zanimivosti povezanimi z živalmi
v Avstraliji. Kar naredi ta park še posebej zanimiv je dejstvo,da je večina strupa za proizvodnjo protistrupa v primeru
kačjih in pajkovih pikov,nabranih ravno tu. Ne bom vas dolgočasil z zgodbami iz parka ampak bom raje posvetil nekaj
besed protistrupom.
Proces izločanja strupa iz kač in pajkov se imenuje molzenje,tako kot pri kravah,a vseeno
kanček bolj nevarno. Ves strup je nato poslan v laboratorij v Melbourne. Zanimvo je to,da protistrup ni sintetično narejen.
Strup vbrizgajo v izjemno majhni količini v konja,ki ima izjemno sposobnost samoobrambe in telo takoj začne proizvajati protitelesa za strup.
Vsak dan povečujejo dozo vbrizganega strupa,dokler doza ne dosega količine,ki bi pokopala čredo konjev.
Nato konju odvzamejo precejšno količino krvi,s centrifugo ločijo protitelesca in mu kri vrnejo,ker v bistvu predstavlja
"tovarno protistrupa".
Dan sva zaključila v Newcastle z Body Board (vrsta deske za surfanje) in 2-4m ja ..oba je totalno razmetalo :)
Leaving Katoomba, heading to Australia Reptile park,one of the many animal related attractions in Australia.
Now what is interesting about this particular park is that most of the antidote for spider and snake bites comes from the venom collected
in Australia Reptile Park. I will not bore you with the details of the park,'cause you'd just have to be there.
Let me spend a few words of antidotes. The process of collecting the venom from spider and snakes is calld milking,same
as in cows....bit more hazardous though :),the milked venom is then transfered to laboratories in Melbourne,where they
make all the antidotes for Australia. Now here comes the interesting part. Hte antidote is not synthticaly made.
The venom itself is injected into a horse,firstly in extremely small dosage. The horse's body is well known for its
ability to protect (heal) itself,and the body starts producing antibodies. Now everyday the horse is injcted with a bite
bigger dosage of the venom,until he is injected with such a dosage that would probably kill a herd of horses,without
even a slightest effect.
making him basicaly an antivenom factory....
We finished our day in Newcastle with body boards and 2-4m waves,just enjoying ourselves. And yes we both got wiped out :)
During our drive to Katoomba in Blue Mountains we were talking 'bout the bush fires near Sydney. Now you might have heard
something ybout that and got worried. Now let us calm you down. The fires,extensive as they might be are not nearly
close to were we are or are going. It may seem that way looking at the map and listening to European news, but to put
thing in perspective, it is like fire burning in Kranj,and you really wouldn't start to evacute Ljubljana now would you?
So Katoomba,Blue Mountains, the perfect spot for bush walking,rock climbing,rafting,abseiling,...sort of like our Triglavski NP,but in
a much much larger scale. There are some incredibly interesting rock formatins such as the Three Sister.

Now i'm sure there is a legend and a story behind that,but I didn't really have the time to investigate that.
So i'll just say they are sister,which usually implies they have same parents,and there are three of them.
We did an interesting bush walk called "The Three Sisters walk" which takes you around that particular rock formation,over 900 stairs (yes 900!!)

and you end up under the steepest funicular railway in the world. The steepest incline is 52 degrees or 128%, for
you philosophers without any math knowldge that means that travelling 1 m horizontaly you climb 1.28 m verticaly...
oh just draw yourself a picture.....

Med najino vožnjo v Katoombo (Blue Mountains NP) sva se pogovarjala o požarih v bližini Sydneya. Morda ste celo slišali
nekaj o tem in vas je to zaskrbelo. Naj vaju takoj pomiriva,saj požari niso niti BLIZU tega kjer sva oz. kamor greva.
Morda so informacije v Evropi drugačne in tudi pogled na mapo morda kaže drugačno sliko,vendar je Avstralija ogromna in če
potegnem vzporednico s Slovenijo je to tako,kot da bi gorelo v Kranju,zaradi česar verjetno ne bi evakuirali Ljubljan mar ne?
Torej Katoomba, odlično mesto za rafting,plezanje,treking,...nekakšen Triglavski NP vendar v precej večjem obsegu.
V njem se najde nekaj fenomenalnih skalnih formacij kot so recimo Three Sisters (3 sestre). Prepričan sem,da je za tem
kakšna zgodba ali aboroginska legenda,vendar enostavno ne vem, verjetno gre za sestre,kar pomeni da so imele iste starše,
in da so bile je vse kar vam lahko ponudim. Odločila sva se za prijeten nekajurni treking z imenom "Three sisters walk"
ki te popelje ravno okoli te skalne formacije,preko 900 stopnic (ja 900!!) vse do najbolj strme železnice na svetu,katere
naklon je 52 stopinj ali 128%, če to povem drugače, za vsak horizontalni prepotovani meter se dvignete za 1.28m :))

something ybout that and got worried. Now let us calm you down. The fires,extensive as they might be are not nearly
close to were we are or are going. It may seem that way looking at the map and listening to European news, but to put
thing in perspective, it is like fire burning in Kranj,and you really wouldn't start to evacute Ljubljana now would you?
So Katoomba,Blue Mountains, the perfect spot for bush walking,rock climbing,rafting,abseiling,...sort of like our Triglavski NP,but in
a much much larger scale. There are some incredibly interesting rock formatins such as the Three Sister.
Now i'm sure there is a legend and a story behind that,but I didn't really have the time to investigate that.
So i'll just say they are sister,which usually implies they have same parents,and there are three of them.
We did an interesting bush walk called "The Three Sisters walk" which takes you around that particular rock formation,over 900 stairs (yes 900!!)
and you end up under the steepest funicular railway in the world. The steepest incline is 52 degrees or 128%, for
you philosophers without any math knowldge that means that travelling 1 m horizontaly you climb 1.28 m verticaly...
oh just draw yourself a picture.....
Med najino vožnjo v Katoombo (Blue Mountains NP) sva se pogovarjala o požarih v bližini Sydneya. Morda ste celo slišali
nekaj o tem in vas je to zaskrbelo. Naj vaju takoj pomiriva,saj požari niso niti BLIZU tega kjer sva oz. kamor greva.
Morda so informacije v Evropi drugačne in tudi pogled na mapo morda kaže drugačno sliko,vendar je Avstralija ogromna in če
potegnem vzporednico s Slovenijo je to tako,kot da bi gorelo v Kranju,zaradi česar verjetno ne bi evakuirali Ljubljan mar ne?
Torej Katoomba, odlično mesto za rafting,plezanje,treking,...nekakšen Triglavski NP vendar v precej večjem obsegu.
V njem se najde nekaj fenomenalnih skalnih formacij kot so recimo Three Sisters (3 sestre). Prepričan sem,da je za tem
kakšna zgodba ali aboroginska legenda,vendar enostavno ne vem, verjetno gre za sestre,kar pomeni da so imele iste starše,
in da so bile je vse kar vam lahko ponudim. Odločila sva se za prijeten nekajurni treking z imenom "Three sisters walk"
ki te popelje ravno okoli te skalne formacije,preko 900 stopnic (ja 900!!) vse do najbolj strme železnice na svetu,katere
naklon je 52 stopinj ali 128%, če to povem drugače, za vsak horizontalni prepotovani meter se dvignete za 1.28m :))
Last day in Sydney and what would a visit to Sydney be without hiting the Bondi Beach. Beach was of course full of people.
Mostly teenagers with the strangest fashion style ever seen. Not worth going into details. What we did was swam a bit
and then played a couple of sets with Kiraly (Plesko knows who i'm talking 'bout). Old school volleyball but we still
lost in the tie breaker....ah what can you do.
At this stage i'll dare to make a comparisson between Sydney and Melbourne,
even though that is considered a herecy in certain areas (namely in Sydney and Melbourne :) )
Sydney is bigger in every way and it shows. More people,more traffic,more shops more if big is your
thing Sydney would be better. But if you prefer more relaxed and easygoing enviroment Melbourne might suit you better.
At the time of our visit to Sydney Australia's Test team was just playing West Indies,of course i'm talking 'bout cricket.
Now Australians are a sporty nation,more then most others,that's for sure. They have everything from Rugby,Footy,Basket,Netball,Soccer,..
You name the sport,they've got it. But Cricket is NOT a is a religion. I'll give you examples.
Some 20 years ago when pay-per-view came to Australia the national government instantly put up laws to protect Cricket.
That means that when a Test match is played all free TV stations are offered the rights to broadcast first
and then and only then it is offered to pay-per-view stations. If in the city where the match is being played the
stadium is NOT sold out,they do not broadcast the game,which is a way to encourage people to come to the game and watch it live.
Ok enough about that....let me just offer you some pictures of Sydney by night,taken from some 260m Sydney Tower.

Zadnji dan v Sydney-u in kaj bi bil obisk Sydneya brez skoka na Bondi Beach (izgovorjeno bondaj). Plaža je bila seveda polna ljudi
večinoma najstnikov,ki predstavljao najbolj čudno modo kar sem jih kdaj videl,ne bom šl v podrobnosti. Po nekaj poizkusih
plavanja med valovi sva raje odigrala nekaj setov s Kiralyjem (Pleško ve o kom govorim) in čeprav je to stara šola odbojke
sva vseeno izgubila v tie breaku-u...ah ja...kaj češ.
Drznil si bom narediti primerjavo med Melbourne in Sydneyem
čprav je to v nekaterih delih Avstralije bogoskrunstvo :). Sydney je VELIK v vseh pogledih, več ljudi,prometa,trgovin,...vsega..
in če je VEČJE tisto kar vam bolj ustreza je Sydney boljša izbira,če pa ste po drugi strani pristaš umirjenega in sproščenega
okolja bi vam Melbourne verjetno bolj ustrezal. V času najinega obiska Sydneya je Avstralska reprezentanca ravno imela 5 dnevni
dvoboj z "West Indies" (nimamo tega izraza). Govorim seveda o kriketu. Avstralci so v vseh pogledih športni narod,precej bolj
kot večina ostalih, poznajo in igrajo vse nam poznane športe in še kar nekaj "svojih" kot je recimo rugby in footy.
Ampak Kriket NI šport. Kriket je religija. Naj navedem primer. Ko so se pred kake 20 leti v Avstraliji pojavile
prve pay-per-view (plačljive) televizije je nacionalna vlada po hitrem postopku sprejela zakon ki "ščiti" kriket
in to na način da so pravice prenosa najprej ponujene vsem brezplačnim TV postajam in v primeru njihovega nezanimanja
dobijo priložnost plačljive,to se seveda NIKOLI ne zgodi. Hkrati poskrbijo,da se v primeru nerazprodanosti stadiona, v mestu kjer se tekma
igra, le-ta ne prenaša po TV in se s tem vzpodbudi ljudi,da si tekmo ogledajo v živo. Ok dovolj o tem...naj vam na koncu ponudim
še nekaj nočnih slik Sydney-a narejenih s kakih 260m visokega Sydney Tower-ja.

Mostly teenagers with the strangest fashion style ever seen. Not worth going into details. What we did was swam a bit
and then played a couple of sets with Kiraly (Plesko knows who i'm talking 'bout). Old school volleyball but we still
lost in the tie breaker....ah what can you do.
even though that is considered a herecy in certain areas (namely in Sydney and Melbourne :) )
Sydney is bigger in every way and it shows. More people,more traffic,more shops more if big is your
thing Sydney would be better. But if you prefer more relaxed and easygoing enviroment Melbourne might suit you better.
At the time of our visit to Sydney Australia's Test team was just playing West Indies,of course i'm talking 'bout cricket.
Now Australians are a sporty nation,more then most others,that's for sure. They have everything from Rugby,Footy,Basket,Netball,Soccer,..
You name the sport,they've got it. But Cricket is NOT a is a religion. I'll give you examples.
Some 20 years ago when pay-per-view came to Australia the national government instantly put up laws to protect Cricket.
That means that when a Test match is played all free TV stations are offered the rights to broadcast first
and then and only then it is offered to pay-per-view stations. If in the city where the match is being played the
stadium is NOT sold out,they do not broadcast the game,which is a way to encourage people to come to the game and watch it live.
Ok enough about that....let me just offer you some pictures of Sydney by night,taken from some 260m Sydney Tower.
Zadnji dan v Sydney-u in kaj bi bil obisk Sydneya brez skoka na Bondi Beach (izgovorjeno bondaj). Plaža je bila seveda polna ljudi
večinoma najstnikov,ki predstavljao najbolj čudno modo kar sem jih kdaj videl,ne bom šl v podrobnosti. Po nekaj poizkusih
plavanja med valovi sva raje odigrala nekaj setov s Kiralyjem (Pleško ve o kom govorim) in čeprav je to stara šola odbojke
sva vseeno izgubila v tie breaku-u...ah ja...kaj češ.
čprav je to v nekaterih delih Avstralije bogoskrunstvo :). Sydney je VELIK v vseh pogledih, več ljudi,prometa,trgovin,...vsega..
in če je VEČJE tisto kar vam bolj ustreza je Sydney boljša izbira,če pa ste po drugi strani pristaš umirjenega in sproščenega
okolja bi vam Melbourne verjetno bolj ustrezal. V času najinega obiska Sydneya je Avstralska reprezentanca ravno imela 5 dnevni
dvoboj z "West Indies" (nimamo tega izraza). Govorim seveda o kriketu. Avstralci so v vseh pogledih športni narod,precej bolj
kot večina ostalih, poznajo in igrajo vse nam poznane športe in še kar nekaj "svojih" kot je recimo rugby in footy.
Ampak Kriket NI šport. Kriket je religija. Naj navedem primer. Ko so se pred kake 20 leti v Avstraliji pojavile
prve pay-per-view (plačljive) televizije je nacionalna vlada po hitrem postopku sprejela zakon ki "ščiti" kriket
in to na način da so pravice prenosa najprej ponujene vsem brezplačnim TV postajam in v primeru njihovega nezanimanja
dobijo priložnost plačljive,to se seveda NIKOLI ne zgodi. Hkrati poskrbijo,da se v primeru nerazprodanosti stadiona, v mestu kjer se tekma
igra, le-ta ne prenaša po TV in se s tem vzpodbudi ljudi,da si tekmo ogledajo v živo. Ok dovolj o tem...naj vam na koncu ponudim
še nekaj nočnih slik Sydney-a narejenih s kakih 260m visokega Sydney Tower-ja.
sreda, 16. december 2009
Sydney day 2. Or I should one of the heatwave. 38 degrees. Humid.
What could we do but start a day in a nicely chilled enviroment of Wildlife World.
An attraction that takes you on 5 levels of animal exhibits,ranging from nocturnal,
spiders,snakes,marsupials,.....and you get upclose&personal with them.
Very nice for the kid in me.
After that it was time to hit the beach.
Now you have 2 famous beaches in Sydney, one of course being Bondi and the other Manly.
And since Manly is a ferry ride over the Harbour away we decided upon that one.
It is great to see Sydney from a different perspective.
Now Manly beach is of course crowded as it is one of
the not so many patroled beaches near Sydney. They put up the yellow/red flags on the beach and you can swim
between them. The reason is strong currents , jellyfish and sharks, since they can't patrol the whole beach,and they
always reserve some space for surfers.
Now the jellyfish are a fact...what you could do is not worry and if you get stung wash it off with fresh water.
Luckily there were no box jellyfish colonies near the beach,so the sting wouldn't kill you.
The coast guard patrols the beach in aeroplanes and monitors shark activities. We had 1 shark warning yesterday
as some 25 hammerhead sharks got too close to the beach. If you add 12 volleyball courts to that you might say we
enjoyed our day...A LOT :)

Sydney drugi dan.Ali naj raje rečem prvi dan vročinskega vala. 38 stopinj. Vlažno.
Ni bilo druge izbire kot da sva začela dan v ohlajenem okolju Wildlife te v 5 nadstropjih odpelje
po živalskem svetu Avstralije,na voljo so kače,pajki,vrečarji,nočne živali, vsemu se lahko izjemno približaš.
Zelo prijetno za otroka v nama.
Po tem sva se odločila za plažo. Sydney ima 2 zelo znani plaži.
Bondi seveda in Manly in ker te do Manly odpelje trajekt preko zaliva sva se odločila za slednjo.
Fantastično je videti Sydney iz te perspektive.
Manly plaža je seveda prepolna ljudi,saj je ena izmed redkih nadziranih plaž.
V praksi to pomeni da postavijo dve zastavi na plažo in kopanje je dovoljeno samo v območju med njima. Razlog tega je predvsem
v močnih tokovih,količini ljudi,morskih psih,surferjih.meduzah.....Meduze so dejstvo in ne samo vse kar ti preostane
je da se ne sekiraš in spereš s sladko vodo v primeru ožiga. Hvalabogu tokrat v bližini ni bilo izjemno nevarnih
"Box Jellyfish" ampak njihove milejše sestrične. Obalna straža redno preletava plažo z letali in pazi na populacije morskih psov.
Imeli smo samo 1 opozorilo včeraj (in morali ven iz vode) saj je kakih 25 morskih psov prišlo preblizu obale.
Če na vse to dodaš še 12 igrišč za odbojko na mivki,lahko rečem da sva se imela prekrasno :)
What could we do but start a day in a nicely chilled enviroment of Wildlife World.
An attraction that takes you on 5 levels of animal exhibits,ranging from nocturnal,
spiders,snakes,marsupials,.....and you get upclose&personal with them.
Very nice for the kid in me.
Now you have 2 famous beaches in Sydney, one of course being Bondi and the other Manly.
And since Manly is a ferry ride over the Harbour away we decided upon that one.
It is great to see Sydney from a different perspective.
the not so many patroled beaches near Sydney. They put up the yellow/red flags on the beach and you can swim
between them. The reason is strong currents , jellyfish and sharks, since they can't patrol the whole beach,and they
always reserve some space for surfers.
Now the jellyfish are a fact...what you could do is not worry and if you get stung wash it off with fresh water.
Luckily there were no box jellyfish colonies near the beach,so the sting wouldn't kill you.
The coast guard patrols the beach in aeroplanes and monitors shark activities. We had 1 shark warning yesterday
as some 25 hammerhead sharks got too close to the beach. If you add 12 volleyball courts to that you might say we
enjoyed our day...A LOT :)

Sydney drugi dan.Ali naj raje rečem prvi dan vročinskega vala. 38 stopinj. Vlažno.
Ni bilo druge izbire kot da sva začela dan v ohlajenem okolju Wildlife te v 5 nadstropjih odpelje
po živalskem svetu Avstralije,na voljo so kače,pajki,vrečarji,nočne živali, vsemu se lahko izjemno približaš.
Zelo prijetno za otroka v nama.
Bondi seveda in Manly in ker te do Manly odpelje trajekt preko zaliva sva se odločila za slednjo.
Fantastično je videti Sydney iz te perspektive.
V praksi to pomeni da postavijo dve zastavi na plažo in kopanje je dovoljeno samo v območju med njima. Razlog tega je predvsem
v močnih tokovih,količini ljudi,morskih psih,surferjih.meduzah.....Meduze so dejstvo in ne samo vse kar ti preostane
je da se ne sekiraš in spereš s sladko vodo v primeru ožiga. Hvalabogu tokrat v bližini ni bilo izjemno nevarnih
"Box Jellyfish" ampak njihove milejše sestrične. Obalna straža redno preletava plažo z letali in pazi na populacije morskih psov.
Imeli smo samo 1 opozorilo včeraj (in morali ven iz vode) saj je kakih 25 morskih psov prišlo preblizu obale.
Če na vse to dodaš še 12 igrišč za odbojko na mivki,lahko rečem da sva se imela prekrasno :)
torek, 15. december 2009
Grand Pacific Drive. As the name itself suggest it is a road spanning from Sydney through Wollongong and further south.
The road takes you a stonethrow from the Pacific Ocean,giving you ample oportunity to enjoy the scenery,and some of the
best wonders of the nature. Now it is not the fastest way to Sydney,but we're not here to be fast,we're here to
enjoy ourselves,and Grand Pacific Drive gives you just that. Driving to our hostel in Sydney sure gave us a taste of
"the big city" as the traffic all of a sudden changed from 2 cars per hour to traffic jams :). It was time for our exploratory
walk thorugh the CBD. Full of enthusiasm and energy we thought the sky was the limit. And it was...the sun to be exact.
Sydney weather is classified as sub-tropical which means high temperatures with quite a lot of humidity.
You can imagine what that does to a couple of tourists from Slovenia :) Breathe honey...BREATHE!!
Nevertheless we've managed to see the FIsh Market, St. Mary's Cathedral, The Tower (we'll go up tomorrow), Botanical Gardens,....
Opera,Harbour Bridge.....the usual suspects of the cities many attractions. And to finish the day we've spent a couple of hours
in Sydney's Aquarium. Now we've all probably been to an aquarium before,and this is far beyond what we're used to.
Enormous water tanks,river,marine,coral exhibits, sharks,rays,turtles even dugongs (type of sea cow)....
The thing that impressed us the most were the underwater tunnels, where you walk through the tanks, with all the marine
life swiming around you. Since the enviroment is not photo friendly (dark, reflecting surface if using flash),we rather
made some movies,which you'll se upon our return. Tommorow (well today it is past midnight) is another day,so
i'm signing off....
Grand Pacific Drive. Kot že samo ime namiguje gre za cesto, ki se razteza od Sydneya proti jugu,mimo Wollongonga in naprej.
Cesta te pelje lučaj od Tihega Oceana in daje ogromno priložnosti občudovati okolico in nekatere izmed čudežev narave.
Vsekakor ne gre za najhitrejšo pot to Sydney-a,vendar tu nisva zaradi hitrosti,temveč bolj zaradi uživanja :) in Grand Pacific
Drive ti da ravno to. Vožnja do hostla nama je v trenutku dala ščepec velikega mesta,saj se je promet iz 2 avtomobilov na uro,
kar naenkrat spremenil v prometne zastoje. In prišel je čas za najin "standardni" obhod mesta. Polna navdušenja in energije
sva se odpravila v mesto misleč da naju nič ne more zaustaviti. Uf sva se motila :) Vreme v Sydney-u je po "klasifikaciji"
subtropsko,kar pomeni visoke temperature in veliko vlage,in lahko si predstavljate kaj to naredi dvema turistkoma iz Slovenije.
Dihaj Julija...DIHAJ!!! Kljub vsemu sva uspela videti Ribjo tržnico,Katedralo, The Tower (jutri se pozpneva,verjetno ponoči),
Botanične vrtove,Opero,Harbour Bridge...
nekaj uric v Sydneyskem (mater kako se to sklanja?!?) akvariju. Verjetno nas je bila že večina v kakšnem akvariju v svojem
ćivljenju,a verjemite ta vse presega. Ogromni vodni rezervoarji polni življenja, morske,rečne,koralne tematike.
Morski psi,želve,ribe,meduze,krokodili,....celo dugong (izjemno redek tip morske krave). Najbolj pa so naju navdušili
podvodni tuneli,ko se skozi steklene cevi sprehodiš skozi te ogromne akvarije in zgoraj omenjene živali plavajo dobesedno
okoli tebe.
nekaj filmov,ki jih boste imeli priložnost videti ob najinem povratku. Jutri (no ja danes,ker je že preko polnoči) je nov dan in zato
se zaenkrat poslavljam......
A day of rest. Mostly cause we planed it to be,but some of it due to rain. Yes it rains in Australia as well.
And since Wollongong is bordered by mountains with rainforest,the rain is not even that unusual.
The funny thing though is their classification of rain. The forecast said there would be showers,but all we got was
some drizzle,not even worth taking an umbrella. And since we weren't able to enjoy the beach as planned,we just took
a stroll through the city districts,enjoying the scenery. Wollongong could in some wild imaginations be compared
to Jesenice as it is also a home for the largest steel factory in AUS. And even though it is operational 24/7
it doesn't spoil the lovely beaches and well kept surroundings. All that spare time gave us oportunity to do some laundry,
write some postcards and just enjoy watching the TV and staying in bed :)
Dan počitka. Večinoma zato,ker sva tako planirala, a vseeno nekaj tudi kot posledica dežja. Ja tudi v Avstraliji dežuje.
In ker Wollongong obdajajo hribi z deževnim pragozdom,dež niti ni tako nenavaden.
Kljub vsemu je smešno njihovo pojomvanje dežja. Vremenska napoved je govorila o plohah,vendar to kar je padalo iz neba
ni bilo omembne vredno,celo toliko da se niti marele ni splačalo odpirati. In ker nisva imela možnosti uživati na plaži,
sva se pač sprehodila po mestu in uživala v okolici.Wollongong bi z malce domišljije lahko primerjali z Jesenicami,
saj se tu nahaja največja železarna v Avstraliji. In čeprav deluje 24 ur na dan, 7 dni v tednu prav nič ne pokvari
prelepih mestnih plaž in skrbno urejene okolice. Ves ta prosti čas nama je dal priložnost,da sva si vse oprala,
pisala kartice in enostavno uživala ob televiziji in dremanju v postelji :)
nedelja, 13. december 2009
Oh what a day. My co-pilot/navigator/tourist guide/best friend Julija has planned quite a day for us :)
It all started with an easy drive to Jervis Bay (got lost on the the GPS). Spent some time walking around Green Patch,
and went watching people surf at Cave Beach....god it looks easy...but SOOO far from it :)
And everybody is carying a surf board,be it a kid a teenager or an adult....lovely,they really know how to life life.
After that another drive,to the beautiful Kangaroo Valley,famous for ....wait for it.....suspension bridge...haha
I'm sure most of you expected me to say kangooros :). Drive through Kangaroo Valley brought us to Fitzroy Falls.
Lovely peace of heaven on earth, featuring 85m waterfalls, bit dried out though, it is summer afterall :)

Through the pastures of Kangaroo Valley we reached Illawara and its attraction Illawara Fly Treetop Walk.
As the name itself describes it is a boardwalk some 25-45 m above ground,which takes you in the heart of rainforest,
as you walk between the treetops. The factssheet before the actual boardwalks tries to asure you that everything is
going to be ok, that it can withold wind of 200+ km/h and weight well above 40 metric Tons, but once you're up there,
and the wind starts to move the entire start beliveing in god :)


Ended the day in Wollongong YHA, and since it is Sunday and we were late,took a nice dinner outside, Calamari for me
and nice Chicken steak for Julija. Until next vitta e bella
Kakšen dan. Moj kopilot/navigator/turistični vodič/najboljši prijatelj Julija je splanirala kar pester dan za naju :)
Vse se je začelo s kratko vožnjo v Jervis Bay (sva se uspela zahvaljujoč PGS-ju zgubit),kjer sva preživela nekaj časa
v prijetnem sprehodu okoli Green Patch-a in nato šla na Cave beach gledati surferje,ki vso stvar naredijo rpecej preprosto,
a verjemite da ni niti približno tako :) Ima pa prav vsakdo na tem področju deskarsko opremo pod roko,od otrok,preko najstnikov
pa vse do odraslih ljudi.....fantastično,res znajo uživati življenje.

Po tem je sledila vožnja do Doline kengurujev,znane po.....visečem mostu
ste pričakovali da bom napisal kenguruje mar ne ;). Vožnja po dolini kengurujev naju je pripeljala do Fitzroy Falls,
prekrasnega kotička nebesa na zemlji,v katerem se nahaja tudi 85m slap,ki pa je bil zaradi visokih temperatur malce "podhranjen"
Preko pačnikov v dolini kengurujev sva prišla do Illawara in znamenite Illawara Fly Treetop Walk, železna konstrukcija,
ki ti omogoči sprehod med vrhovi dreves od 25 do 45 metrov nad tlemi in ti s tem da vpogled v samo srce pragozda.
Podatki o konstrukciji naj bi te na začetku pomirili,saj naj bi le-ta zdržala vetrove nad 200km/h in težo vse do 40 ton.
Ampak,ko začne veter enkrat premikati vse skupaj....šment....enostavno začneš verjeti v boga :)
Dan sva zaključila v Wollongong YHA in ker je nedelja in sva bila pozna sva si privoščila odlično večerjo zunaj,
zame kalamari,za mojo življensko sopotnico pa dober piščančji naslednjič lep pozdrav
It all started with an easy drive to Jervis Bay (got lost on the the GPS). Spent some time walking around Green Patch,
and went watching people surf at Cave Beach....god it looks easy...but SOOO far from it :)
And everybody is carying a surf board,be it a kid a teenager or an adult....lovely,they really know how to life life.
After that another drive,to the beautiful Kangaroo Valley,famous for ....wait for it.....suspension bridge...haha
I'm sure most of you expected me to say kangooros :). Drive through Kangaroo Valley brought us to Fitzroy Falls.
Lovely peace of heaven on earth, featuring 85m waterfalls, bit dried out though, it is summer afterall :)
Through the pastures of Kangaroo Valley we reached Illawara and its attraction Illawara Fly Treetop Walk.
As the name itself describes it is a boardwalk some 25-45 m above ground,which takes you in the heart of rainforest,
as you walk between the treetops. The factssheet before the actual boardwalks tries to asure you that everything is
going to be ok, that it can withold wind of 200+ km/h and weight well above 40 metric Tons, but once you're up there,
and the wind starts to move the entire start beliveing in god :)
Ended the day in Wollongong YHA, and since it is Sunday and we were late,took a nice dinner outside, Calamari for me
and nice Chicken steak for Julija. Until next vitta e bella
Kakšen dan. Moj kopilot/navigator/turistični vodič/najboljši prijatelj Julija je splanirala kar pester dan za naju :)
Vse se je začelo s kratko vožnjo v Jervis Bay (sva se uspela zahvaljujoč PGS-ju zgubit),kjer sva preživela nekaj časa
v prijetnem sprehodu okoli Green Patch-a in nato šla na Cave beach gledati surferje,ki vso stvar naredijo rpecej preprosto,
a verjemite da ni niti približno tako :) Ima pa prav vsakdo na tem področju deskarsko opremo pod roko,od otrok,preko najstnikov
pa vse do odraslih ljudi.....fantastično,res znajo uživati življenje.
ste pričakovali da bom napisal kenguruje mar ne ;). Vožnja po dolini kengurujev naju je pripeljala do Fitzroy Falls,
prekrasnega kotička nebesa na zemlji,v katerem se nahaja tudi 85m slap,ki pa je bil zaradi visokih temperatur malce "podhranjen"
Preko pačnikov v dolini kengurujev sva prišla do Illawara in znamenite Illawara Fly Treetop Walk, železna konstrukcija,
ki ti omogoči sprehod med vrhovi dreves od 25 do 45 metrov nad tlemi in ti s tem da vpogled v samo srce pragozda.
Podatki o konstrukciji naj bi te na začetku pomirili,saj naj bi le-ta zdržala vetrove nad 200km/h in težo vse do 40 ton.
Ampak,ko začne veter enkrat premikati vse skupaj....šment....enostavno začneš verjeti v boga :)
Dan sva zaključila v Wollongong YHA in ker je nedelja in sva bila pozna sva si privoščila odlično večerjo zunaj,
zame kalamari,za mojo življensko sopotnico pa dober piščančji naslednjič lep pozdrav
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