It has been almost a year since our last entry. A lot has happened in between but the most important thing is that we're back. And this time we're here to stay.
Skoraj eno leto je že minilo od najinega prvega obiska Avstralije in veliko se je zgodilo vmes, vendar zdaj sva spet tu. Tokrat za malo daljše obdobje :)
We've arrived to Brisbane in the wee hours of the morning on 3rd of Nov after a stressful journey that lead us from Ljubljana over Istanbul, Dubai, Singapore to Brisbane where we landed at 2 a.m, exhausted and blissfully happy. Immigration and customs procedures were just a formality and minutes after touchdown we were sitting in our taxi going towards our well deserved rest in Central Base Hostel.
V Avstralijo sva prispela 3. novembra v zgodnjih jutranjih urah po stresnem potovanju, ki naju je vodilo iz Ljubljane preko Instanbula, Dubaja, Singapurja do Brisbna. Ko sva ob 2h zjutraj pristala na letališču v Brisbanu, sva bila popolnoma uničena in hkrati vesela, da sva končno na cilju.
Being well organized we got up at 9 in the morning, making a bee line to our bank (ANZ) to provide them with proper ID to activate our previously opened Bank Account,and then it was straight to Europcar for our rental pickup. We knew that we were in need of a big car, for all the stuff we have to do in the first days and the plan was to do most of it with the rental (some furniture, phones, car shopping) and the car we got was a blast. Brand new Subaru Outback,space ship on wheels :)
Ker sva imela pred sabo naporen dan s kar nekaj pomembnimi opravki, sva kljub utrujenosti vstala že ob 9h zjutraj in se napotila do najine banke (ANZ), kjer sva se identificirala z najinima potnima listoma in tako aktivirala najin račun, ki sva ga predhodno odprla preko interneta že v Sloveniji. Naslednja postaja je bil Europcar, kjer sva pobrala najin popolnoma nov Subaru Outback - vesoljska ladja na kolesih :) . Velik avto sva namreč potrebovala za nakup najnujnejših stvari v prvih dneh (kot npr. ležišča ipd.).
Sending Mark an arrival SMS was just a formality and he greeted us with opened arms and mischievous green on his face :)
He showed us around the house,showed us the room and we were ready to start our lives.
Not to bore you with the details of our shopping spree let me just say we managed to get EVERYTHING done in the first couple of days and are now proud owners of a couple pieces of furniture (brought to you by IKEA) , new phone numbers (courtesy of Telstra) and a V6 4.0L Ford Falcon (thanks to Ted K of Benstead Car co. ).
Marku sva poslala SMS, da prihajava in pričakal naju je z odprtimi rokami, ter nama razkazal hišo in najino sobo. Da vas ne dolgočasim s podrobnosti najinih nakupov, naj vam povem le, da sva vse potrebno opravila v prvih parih dneh ter sva zdaj ponosna lastnika nekaj manjših kosov pohištva (IKEA), novih telefonskih številk (Telstra) in najinega novega avtomobilčka V6 4.0L Ford Falcon (zahvaljujoč Tedu K iz Benstead Car co.).
Now to put everybody's worries to the rest. We are fine, we are great to be honest. If the first few day are in any way indicators of things to come, only good things are waiting for us.
Da vas ne bi skrbelo, vsem sporočava, da sva dobro, celo odlično. Če so prvi dnevi v kakršnikoli meri pokazatelj prihodnosti, naju čakajo le lepe stvari ;) .
Oh, not to forget. We of course payed a visit to Rudi & Alenka,were we enjoyed their own Heineken like beer (micro brewery stuff) and had spent a pleasant evening with productive conversation, but I'll write more about that as the story unfolds ;)
Da ne pozabim. Obiskala sva tudi Rudija in Alenko in preživela prijeten večer v dobri družbi in ob njunem domače pivu, okus po Heinekenu).
I'd love to write more, but my stubby is not getting any colder and our deck is screaming for my company, in shorts and t-shirt of course :)
Rada bi napisala še kaj več, ampak moje pivo ne postaja nič hladnejše, terasa pa kriči po moji družbi, seveda v kratkih hlačah in kratki majici :)
Here's looking at you ;)