I can't believe it has been a month since my last check-in. I'm sorry guys, sometimes my head just isn't in the right place.
So has anything happened in the last 30 days, well HELL YEAH.
I can probably fit things into 3 categories, one being my job search, private stuff (past/present/future) and U2/Jay-Z concert which is in category of its own :)
So let's get the job thing out of the way by saying, I've got it and it is pretty much everything I've hoped for. Permanent position as a Senior Network Engineer with CDM, a company based in Sydney but with its branches throughout Australia. Now most of you have had a job interview in some way, shape or form in your lives and I knew that things work a bit differently around here which is my queue to thank Rudi AGAIN for coaching me through my resume editing and giving me just the advices I needed to secure my position. It was a 3 part interview,starting with a recruitment agent,as most positions around here are advertised through recruitment agencies. Putting on a proper suit and presenting yourself in the best way possible gave me the opportunity to have the second interview with Technical Services Manager at CDM and after his OK, I had my last meeting with General Manager, all in all resulted in me securing the position with CDM and I couldn't be happier.
The location of our offices are on Adelaide street in CBD, which is literally a minute walk from the bus station, and as far as the rest is concerned,let me just say I'm happy....I'm extremely happy :)
Now one of the reasons for our Australia endeavour was in better social and private life,and since we are surrounded by water it would be a sin not to go to the beach as often as possible.
After our more then successful attempt with Surfers Paradise we've decided to go see Collangatta expecting nice worm sunny weather and boy were we wrong. We do have summer showers and storms back at home but none of them can be compared to a proper tropical storm :) Driving 30km/h on the highway is an experience by itself :) As our adventure turned sour we compensated by enjoying the sun and swimming at Brisbanes City beach at SouthBank, I won't bore you with the details as you are all probably sick and tired of shoveling snow and playing "Cathc the croatian PM" or "A si jedla Sir?" :)
And now for the U2 concert. Yeah I know that a lot of you have already seen it in Zagreb, but imagine seeing the same concert without the need to go to Croatia. Now that is priceless by itself. Being used to pushing and shoving for a good spot we've come to the concert an hour earlier,also knowing that Jay-Z will open the show and didn't want to miss a second of it. Turns out that people don't do that hear which gave us the opportunity to come all the way to the stage and enjoy the concert front row....and being in the middle of the stage we had ample opportunity to feel the vibe,scent, breath of U2 .....it was without a doubt the best musical experience of my life so far. Jay-Z is the undisputed heavyweight champion of Hip-Hop,and I don't think there are many artists as big as U2 and with such great stage presence and charisma.
I think I just HAVE to take a moment to speak about our flatmates. Now you may have or haven't heard of them but they are both famous and infamous at the same time. Mark and Sharnee, just their names are enough to make your heart skip a beat and have your body shiver in fear and amazement at the same time ....HAHAHA......I know they're reading this and just had to do this :)
Guys wit the words of Freddie Mercury at the Wembley concert 1980 - You're great, we love you!
I wish I could write some more but I can't neither muster the courage to tell you everything nor does my memory (I am 32 afterall) serve me as It used to :)
I will however put some pictures on tomorrow, and add the Slovenian version as well.
Let me just leave you with this thoughts:
Last week - U2 , Jay-Z , 2 x Beach
This Week - birthday party friday , tea party Saturday
Following weeks - Beach BBQ party at Sunshine Coast , Camping at Byron for New Years :)
Saj ne morem verjeti da je minil že mesec od mojega zadnjega javljanja,za kar se vsem MOČNO opravičujem,moja glava pač ni vedno na svojem mestu :)
Torej da kar takoj odgovorim na vprašanje če se je kaj dogajalo v teh 30 dnevih...ABSOLUTNO JA!
Dogajanja lahko verjetno razdelim v 3 kategorije, prva vsekakor moje iskanje službe, privatne zadeve (pretekle/sedanje/prihodnje) in povsem ločeno koncert U2 in Jay-Z,ki je kategorija sama po sebi.
Pa da takoj pomirim vse zakrbljene in o prvi temi povem da službo imam in je pravzaprav točno to kar sem upal da bi morda v neki vzporedni realnosti lahko dobil. Senior Network Engineer pri podjetju CDM,s sedežem v Sydneju in poslovalnicami po celi Avstraliji. Večina vas je verjetno kdaj v življenju že bila na kakšnem zaposlitvenem interfjuju in čeprav sem vedel da so stvari v Avstraliji "malce" drugačne za kar se moram vsekakor zahvalit Rudiju....AGAIN...ker mi je z napotki o pisanju življenepisa in pravimi nasveti dal tisto potrebno samozavest,da sem uspel dobiti omenjeno zaposlitev. Sam intervju je bil razdeljen na 3 dele,začenši z zaposlitveno agencijo,saj gre večina zaposlitev v Avstraliji preko prvega sita zaposlitvenega agenta. Prava poslovna obleka in prava mera samozavesti sta mi omogočila drugi intervju z vodjem tehničnega področja pri CDM in po njegovem "potrdilu" sem imel intervju še z generalnim direktorjem, na koncu koncev sem dobil ponudbo za zaposlitev in ne bi moral biti bolj vesel.
Lokacija pisarn je na Adelaide street v samem centru mesta in dobesedno minuto ali dve od avtobusne postaje. Glede vsega ostalega povezanega s službo pa bom rekel samo,da stradala ne bova in sva oba IZJEMNO zadovoljna :)
Eden izmed razlogov za najino selitev na drug konec sveta je tudi več možnosti za kvalitetno preživljanje prostega časa in ker je že sam Brisbane praktično obkrožen z vodo bi bil greh da ne bi preživljala prostega časa na plaži kolikor je to le možno.
Po najinem več kot uspešnem obisku Surfers Paradise-a sva tokrat "podaljšala" najino vožnjo še za par kilometrov in odšla v Collangatta,v pričakovanju prijetnega toplega vremena in ne bi se morala bolj zmotiti :) Tudi v Sloveniji imamo poletne nevihte ampak PRAV NIČ naju ne bi moglo pripraviti na pravo tropsko nevihto,ko dežuje vzporedno s tlemi in se po avtocesti voziš 30 km na uro :). In ker se je najina dogodivščina skisala sva kompenzirala z obiskom mestne plaže na SouthBanku. Ne bom vas dolgočasil s podrobnostmi ker ste ob vsem kidanju snega in mrazu že malce naveličani najinih sončnih doživetij :)
No pa da se posvetim še U2 koncertu. Zavedam se da vas je veliko od vas to turnejo videlo že v Zagrebu, ampak predstavljajte si enak koncert brez potrebe da potujete na Hrvaško in podpirate njihovo ekonomijo s kunami :) Že samo to je neprecenljivo doživetje...hehe. In ker smo balkanci navajeni prerivanja in borbe za dobro mesto sva na koncert prišla dobro uro pred pričetkom,saj nenazadnje nisva želela zamuditi otvoritve koncerta s strani Jay-Z. Izkazalo se je da tu ljudje tega ne počnejo,kar nama je dalo priložnost da sva prišla vse do prve vrste pred odrom in uživala koncert iz FANTASTIČNE lokacije,kjer sva lahko v popolnosti začutila utrip,vonj,dihanje članov zasedbe U2...brez dileme najboljša glasbena izkušnja najinega življenja. JayZ je brez dileme neprekosljivi šampijon hip-hopa in po moji oceni trenutno ni glasbenikov ki bi imeli tako karizmo kot U2.
Z veseljem bi dodal še kakšno začinjeno podrobnost ampak enostavno moji možgani in spomin niso več rosno mladi :)
Pustil vas bom samo s temi besedami:
Prejšnji teden: U2 , Jay-Z , 2 x Plaža
Ta teden - rojstnodnevna zabava v mestu , sobotna zabava pri nas
Prihodnji tedni: Roštiljada na plaži , Kampiranje za novo leto V Byron Bay-u
Ja življenje NI slabo.